The Touch of Genius Prize for Innovation is an annual prize of $10,000 awarded to a project, or projects, that show the most innovative idea in the field of braille and tactile literacy. This year, our committee is please to announce that there are two Touch of Genius Prize winners. Each innovator will be awarded $5000 .

The Pocket Braille Periodic Table
Innovator: Roy Alexander
This is an Innovative, high use, low cost, and uniquely convenient Periodic Table of Chemical Elements for braille trained blind students pursuing the learning and work of Chemistry.
The project has completed a Beta-test functional prototype stage, showing good student acceptance, suggesting clear viability of large-scale production and we're excited that this prize will support the next stage of it's development.

CanDo reusable braille labels
Innovator: Lisa Dalton
Lisa Dalton used her 3D printing knowledge to engineer a reusable braille label set for her former boyfriend who is blind, after messing up his cabinets while making a grocery list. Seeing how easily they worked for him, he encouraged her to start candoable and make CanDo reusable braille labels available to everyone who needs them --so, that’s what she's doing. Lisa is passionate about 3D printing and helping others, and is fortunate enough to spend her days doing both at the collaborative coworking/maker space Gangplank Queen Creek.
We'll be hosting a reception for this year's winner's at the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference. If you are attending the conference, please join us to celebrate this year's Touch of Genious Prize Winners.
- When: Thursday, March 12th. 6:30 PM – La Jolla or Los Angeles Room
Visit our booth, #117, while you are there as well!
The Touch of Genius Prize is made possible by the support of the Gibney Family Foundation! Thank you!
We always welcome your feedback, please leave any comments below: